Replica Audemars Piguet watches was the belief of that era
Replica Audemars Piguet watches are part of ancient history. In ancient history we can find examples of rings as a sign of commitment and love and honor for each other for the rest of their lives. In Egypt and Rome this tradition of giving rings as a token of love and honor was started first. Notwithstanding the factor of the differences of countries and culture this particular tradition came into existence in every country. As we have said that it was first started in ancient Egypt and there couples used to exchange rings made of reeds as a symbol of their undying love. The wedding ring comprises the most traditional aspect of a marriage.But time has been changed as there are many metals to make a wedding ring and therefore rings are now more beautiful and perfect than before. Platinum and gold rings are now facing high on demand in the market. The reason behind this is nothing but its durability and beauty. Some other factors like softness etc are also the reasons.It was believed that a vein ran from this finger directly to the heart so it automatically links to our love and that is why Replica Audemars Piguet watches wedding ring in this finger will bear most happiness and love. Wearing wedding ring in this finger will bear extreme happiness and rain love in the couples married life. It was the belief of that era. But this practice, in medieval times, continued for a different reason. During a religious wedding ceremony the groom would place the ring on the bride left thumb, index and middle finger in turn and saying ;in the name of the father, son and Holy Ghost. The ring was then placed fully on the next finger, the third. It was then made official and formal in the Book of Common Prayer where the marriage rituals and words are written down. But medical scientists have said all this false and baseless. There is no such truth behind this matter. Now some couples have started to wear their ring in their right hands.You should maintain one thing that your ring is a symbol of love and commitment and therefore you will definitely wear this token of your marriage all through your life. That is why you should buy a ring that is of top quality. Please consider some things while buying. They are the used material, style and design of your ring, and last but not least your budget Replica Audemars Piguet watches.