
The Wrong Side Of Rage (God of War III) Video games in 2010 found new ways to use their violence to express anger

And then I won, as joyfully recounted in a story in March.The Wrong Side Of Rage (God of War III) Video games in 2010 found new ways to use their violence to express anger, chief among them Splinter Cell: Conviction (the moment when the hero snaps and, briefly, becomes an infallible marksman) and God of War III. The latter game replica Movado 0690299 WoMen's watch culminated with a stunning exhibition of rage that only ended when the player realized enough was enough. The game's best angry moment, though, is when it lets you see anti-hero Kratos' fury through the eyes of a god he is in the process of killing.

Watch:Trypticon (Transformers: War For Cyberton): I grew up playing with Transformers, and so no matter how much I want to put one of the many beautiful moments from Kirby's Epic Yarn on this list, I don't have room. I must use this space to reminisce about battling Trypticon, one of the ultimate Transformers bad guys, in outer-space, while plummeting toward the suce of the Transformers' home planet of Cyberton.Those were my replica Movado 0605320 WoMen's watch favorite video game moments of 2010 (And these were my '09 ones, if you're interested). Throughout the week, we'll be publishing the favorite moments of other writers on the Kotaku team. And at week's end, we'll want you to sound off.

“In the battle between three men over who is the world's best Donkey Kong player, a New York plastic surgeon has claimed a fresh victory. Will this barrel hopping high score war ever end? Not any time soon.According to high score tracking group Twin Galaxies, expert Donkey Kong player Hank Chien has once again snatched the arcade replica Movado 0605702 WoMen's watch crown from previous record holders Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell, the two men made more famous in the 2007 documentary The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters.The current official high score? 1,068,000 in Donkey Kong points.